Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wars and Natural Disasters Relief

If we look around everyday, we can see so many misfortune people around us. From wars to Natural Disasters around the world like the hurricanes hit New Orleans, Tsunamis hit Indonesia, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Floods and Storms.

We have taken everything for granted. For the amount of materials goods and high quality we have, compare to those who do not even have the simplest things like water, food, clothes and shelter.

Refugees do not get a chance to turn back. And they have no where to turn.
If we are can give, let us contribute something, even just a little thing. When all of these things added together, it will make big different.

Whether is disaster relief, fighting Poverty, or voice up against injustice, the charities listed in this web site did a great work for the people. We can learn much from them. It is good to know where needed help and see if we can contribute in some way. To give does not have to be money!

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